Industrial Programming - 2024

International practical scientific conference
April 4-5, 2024
RTU MIREA, Moscow, Russia

Версия на русском языке

About the conference

Dear colleagues! We invite you to take part in the conference

(«INPRO – 2024»)

The conference will take place on
April 4-5, 2024 (RTU MIREA, Moscow, Russia)

The goal of this conference is to discuss current questions in the sphere of promising information technologies and industrial programming in different fields of activity, data exchange, improving the efficiency of science research activities and publishing activity of scientific workers, pedagogical scientific workers, students and graduate students in the specified field.

The following areas of activities are discussed in the conference:

  1. Architectural patterns and the best practices of full-stack development.
  2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
  3. Mathematical modeling and calculation methods.
  4. Solving problems of applied economy using Information Technologies.

We encourage you and your colleagues to fill in the following registration form and participate either as a speaker or a spectator!
The two types of research will be published at the conclusion of the conference - conference theses and articles in the Russian VAK (Higher Attestation Commission) journal.

The collection of conference theses will be published and indexed at the RSCI!

The best articles we receive will be recommended for publishing in the “Computational Nanotechnology” journal (included in the VAK list, K2 category)


The list of speakers is being compiled and will be published later!


The conference will take place on April 4-5, 2024 and will consist of a full-time plenary session (April 4) and remote work of the sections (April 5).

Plenary session (April 4, 2024)

Technological Coworking Lecture Hall, Vernadskogo av., 78, building 4, Moscow, Russia
Time Place of conduction Activity
10:30-11:00 RTU MIREA main hall, Vernadskogo av., 78, building 4 Meeting and placement of Conference participants
11:00-11:30 Technological Coworking Lecture Hall Opening ceremony of the conference and plenary session
11:30-13:00 Technological Coworking Lecture Hall Conference plenary session, part one
13:00-14:00 Coffee-break area Coffee-break
14:00-15:30 Technological Coworking Lecture Hall Conference plenary session, part two
15:30-16:00 Technological Coworking Lecture Hall Conclusion of the plenary session

Detailed schedule of the plenary session and the list of speakers are available here.

Section work (April 5, 2024)

Time Place of conduction Activity
10:30-11:00 Remote (via links) Connection to webinars
11:00-13:00 Remote (via links) Section work
13:00-14:00 - Break
14:00-15:30 Remote Section work

Detailed schedule of the plenary session and the list of speakers are available here.

Important dates

To participate as a spectator:

To participate as a speaker:

To participate as a speaker with consequent publishing of the report in the VAK journal: